Immigration mental health evaluations provide concrete, expert-backed evidence of the emotional and psychological distress that would result from deportation or separation. We are proud to provide this life altering service to those in need.


  • Extreme and Exceptional Hardship/Waivers (I-601) - The applicant must demonstrate that the denial of their visa or adjustment of status would result in exceptional and extremely unusual hardship to their qualifying US citizen or lawful permanent resident family member.

  • Spousal Abuse - Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) - Provides protection and a path to independent legal status for foreign nationals who are victims of physical or emotional abuse by their US citizen or lawful permanent resident spouse.

  • Political Asylum - A form of humanitarian relief that provides protection and a path to legal status for individuals who have faced or have a credible fear of facing severe persecution in their home country based on political opinions, activities, or affiliation. These applicants are fleeing life-threatening situations and violations of their fundamental rights.

  • U-Visas - A form of humanitarian relief that provides protection and a path to legal status for individuals who have been victims of specific crimes (human trafficking, domestic violence, sexual assault, etc) and cooperate with law enforcement authorities in the investigation and prosecution of those crimes. Returning to their home country may create further victimization.

Bottom Line: We recognize that this evaluation can be the make-or-break moment when it comes to keeping a family together or saving someone from life-threatening situations.


  • Licensed Professional Counselor in VA (070100941) and Florida (TPMC2446)

  • Masters Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

  • Over 10 years of experience providing mental health evaluations, complete with clinical assessments, diagnostics, and future recommendations, to clients with complex backgrounds

  • Formally trained in trauma-informed counseling techniques

  • Sensitive to cultural differences and issues of equity


You will receive a comprehensive report detailing:

  1. A review of your personal and family background will make the decision maker for the case aware of your personal circumstances.

  2. A review of your medical/psychiatric condition history and associated medications emphasizes the type and level of care that you may need to manage your conditions.

  3. The current state of the individual assessed with a mental status evaluation and psychiatric assessment scales shows how this case and the upcoming life changes are impacting you now.

  4. Applicable hardship factors alert the judge to the specifics in your life that would create problems for you if the case were rejected.

  5. Diagnosis, if applicable, adds legitimacy and professional language to describe the impact of the above on your mental and emotional experience.

  6. Summary of all the above.

  7. Professional recommendations for treatment and support.

  8. A review of scientific research and literature related to your case for supporting documentation.


to discuss your immigration mental health evaluation needs