“I Can Do Hard Things”

Recently, I’ve been reading “Untamed” by Glennon Doyle and she uses this phrase “I Can Do Hard Things” as a mantra to help her move through difficult times. I was struck by both the simplicity of the statement and the power it packed. “I can do hard things” - such a simple phrase, and yet the affirmation delves deep into our abilities as humans.

Life is tough, period; I don’t know that there’s a way to get out of life unscathed. And yet, we find ways to push forward, to muddle our way through, to break the surface of the water and take a deep breath of fresh air anyway. Think about all the times you thought you would never make it through a difficult experience. The times where the depression was so heavy on your chest that you couldn’t breathe, and then you laughed at a scene in your favorite tv show. Or you felt soul-crushingly lonely and reached out to a friend. Or even the times where every fiber of your being was pulling you toward your bed and you chose to take a walk instead. You did a hard thing. Even if you’re still in the midst of chaos and confusion, you’re DOING a hard thing, over and over.

With Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), we learn how to anchor ourselves, to ground ourselves in the present moment when the inevitable emotional storm of depression, anxiety, shame, and/or trauma triggers arise. In these moments, we take ourselves off of autopilot and push forward. We try not to let the harrowing storm keep us stuck. We make intentional decisions to acknowledge the deluge, but we keep moving anyway. We don’t let it hold us back from who we are and who we want to be. We show up for ourselves, self care our way through the lightning strikes and claps of thunder, and keep running toward the things that are most important to us. Eventually, we will reach our destination, even if it takes a little longer than we expected.

You’ve done a hard thing before, you may be doing a hard thing now, and I’m confident you’ll do a hard thing again. And that, my fellow human, makes you powerful. 
If you’re ready to shape that power and use it more effectively and intentionally, contact Esprit Therapeutics for a free consultation.


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